$ 48.99

Woocommerce auto repeat order



Active Installation




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Give your customer the option of receiving their favorite products automatically. Allow them to Repeat order with a single click.

$ 69.98 $ 48.99


  • Get overview of upcoming sales
  • Notify Admin through email about item quantity required
  • Set Auto Repeat on single item or on whole order
  • Give discount on whole order or single product (Fixed, Percentage)
  • Fully customizable button, text, images etc .

Technical Detail


English ,Dutch , French , Italian

WordPress version 4.6 to: 6.7.2WooCommerce version Upto: 9.6.1

7.0 - to - 8.2.27


WPML Supported


Divi,flatsome,Custom Theme Also

Product Screenshots

Auto Repeat Order extension

Auto Repeat Order extension will help Admin to retain their customers by offering them special discounts on a single product or whole order. The admin will have the details of its future sales provided on the dashboard containing all products. Likewise, An option is provided on the dashboard to search for a single product or by category.

By knowing the future orders details, Admin will be able to manage stock in advance. An email will be sent to Admin with all details when the customer renew their order. With AutoRepeat order functionality, the customer can simply place an order again without placing them individually.

What This Product Bring For You

Auto Repeat Order plugins helps admin to get details of future sales, calculate revenue in advance and manage stock accordingly.



Auto Repeat Order is actually simple and wonderful plugin for woocommerce store owners. With the help of Auto Repeat Order, Admin can keep track of his long time customer. By giving discount will help admin retain its customer and increase sales of its store. So this will result in keeping its one time customer on long term basis.

Auto Repeat Order With OneClick

Auto Repeat Order plugin is one of the best plugin that will empower you to configure your store for both b2b and b2c customers. This extension helps Admin to provide functionality to its customers if they want to renew their order in a specific period of time. Customers can simply renew their order after selecting the Auto Repeat checkbox.

Admin can get an overview of which product will be going to sell in future so the required stock can be managed accordingly.  Admin will be able to know his future sales and keep track of its long time customers and give them discounts to retain them.

If the Customer places an order at once, and wants to place the same order again then it can be possible through clicking on the AutoRepeat button. Customer order will be renewed after the time given by the customer.

Product Page 

With the help of this extension, you can provide option to renew order on product page. There you will have following option for your customers including, setting the frequency that help to auto repeat order for every individual product.












Checkout Page

You can also provide functionality of autorepeat on your checkout page as well. If your customer did not set functionality of autorepeat order then it will be available on checkout page as well. There you can provide your customer to repeat their order automatically by simply enabling the autorepeat order button.












Installation Guide

On the Admin panel Go to Woocommerce>SubMenu and then click on the Auto Repeat Order tab to configure this extension . There you will find 5 tabs such as Dashboard,General SettingsMy Account & ThanksYou , Restrictions  and Custom Style settings.

Setup and Configuration

To set up your store with Auto Repeat Order. Go to: WooCommerce > Auto Repeat Order.


On dashboard, You can see the complete details of your order that are placed by the customer. This will help you to manage your stock accordingly and check the future sales and calculate expected revenue in advance.







General Setting 

You can customize following option on general setting.

Shop Page Icon: Add image url to change order repeat image on Shop page

Product Page Icon: Add image url to change order repeat image on Product page

Checkout Page Icon: Add image url to change order repeat image on checkout page

Frequency Heading: Change text of frequency that will be shown on frequency template.

Display Product Per Page: Select how many item should show per page. Default 20 value will be set

Select Template: Select template option such as Drop Down, Radio Button & Button

Select Auto Repeat Option: Select which page you want to apply auto repeat functionality

Product Page Position: Change position of AutoRepeat order button if required.
















General Setting on CheckOut Page

Enter Message: Add text that you want to show above checkbox (E.G Save %off )

Select Position: Select position where you want to show frequency template

Checkout Frequency: Add Order frequency on checkout page( Days, Week or Year).












Product Level Setting

My Account & ThankYou Page 

Enable Frequency: Enable checkbox to show frequency on non slected item or order

Success Message: Add text to display after frequency added successfully

Auto Repeat Button: Select checkbox to enable or disable Auto repeat button on thankyou page

Stop Auto Repeat Button Text: Customise Auto Repeat button text when button is disable (Stop Auto Repeat)

Enale Auto Repeat Button Text: Customise Auto Repeat button text when button is Enable (Enable Auto Repeat).











Advance Email Notification: Set no of days to get notified through email about upcoming orders with complete details.

Shipping Method: Customize shipping method on upcoming orders (E.g. Flat rate with fix amount or same as old orders)

Stock Restriction: Select whether add product into order excluding out of stock or Remove all products.









1 review for Woocommerce auto repeat order

  1. Kayla Holmes

    I haven’t experienced any issues yet with the extension so i recommend this to other.

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